Support WCHR

The work we do at Worcester Community Housing Resources would not be possible without the generous contributions of our donors and funders.

Thanks to all of you who have given to WCHR, we have been able to provide housing solutions for historically underserved residents of Worcester County for more than 30 years, helping community members overcome obstacles including poverty, homelessness, mental illness, history of substance abuse, and domestic violence.

Your donation is not only an investment in our organization, but also an investment in the future of Worcester. Thank you for your ongoing support, or for making a new, tax-deductible donation today! We are grateful to have you as part of our community.

Please click below to make a secure online gift with a credit card:

Or, if you prefer to make a donation by check, please make it out to "Worcester Community Housing Resources" and mail to:

11 Pleasant Street, Suite 300
Worcester, MA 01609

WCHR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN 22-2719744


Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) 

You can make the most of your donation to WCHR by participating in the Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program, a win-win solution that gives donors a 50% tax credit.

For every $1,000 you contribute to WCHR, you get back 50% as a state tax credit, effectively doubling your impact. For example, a $10,000 donation would result in $5,000 back to you. 

Click here to make your CITC contribution today!

Donors can be individuals, corporations, foundations, or nonprofits. The Massachusetts CITC program is designed to help citizens improve economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income households across the Commonwealth by partnering with nonprofit organizations such as Worcester Community Housing Resources. 

You can also choose to make a CITC pledge for this year, then complete your donation any time by December 31st. Click here to make a pledge today. 

Or learn more by clicking here to watch a video from the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations. For questions, please send a message to Kenny Weill at, and we'll be in touch soon. 


Become a Community Loan Fund Investor

Established in 1993, the Community Loan Fund is a pool of over $4 million in contributions and capital investments that provides low-interest financing to homeowners who need assistance with significant home repairs and to individuals and organizations who develop affordable housing. Our Lending Department is guided by WCHR's mission, with its focus on the development, preservation and maintenance of affordable housing to help improve the safety, sustainability and quality of life within our communities. Your investment amount, term of the loan and interest rate are tailored to the individual or organizational investor within WCHR's investment guidelines.

The Community Loan Fund is comprised of over 60 investors including government funds, nonprofit organizations, social investments, foundations, educational institutions, community banks, credit unions, religious institutions, individual investors, WCHR equity, and loan loss/ write-offs.

CLF history

  • 95%-100% annual investor renewal 

  • 100% positive return rate on investments since fund inception 

  • Certified Community Development Financial Institution lending over $15 million to assist more than 350 families

What you will earn

  • An interest rate competitive with the current market

  • Range of terms from three to ten years

  • Confidence in your investment: no investors have lost funds since the inception of the CLF

  • Interest returns on an annual basis

  • Local management of your funds

  • Investment amount minimum of $1,000

Who will you help

  • All financing is targeted to low-income individuals, families and neighborhoods

  • Families whose homes have health and safety code violations

  • Individual homeowners not eligible for bank financing for major home repairs

  • Individuals and developers renovating abandoned and foreclosed properties that will be returned to the municipal tax rolls as affordable rental housing

  • Developers creating or maintaining affordable housing